Digital Marketing
Automation and
Data Structuring
The current growth rate of the Digizen has created a profound opportunity for businesses to realise an eternal pipeline of leads and therefore, loyal customers. And businesses must begin to look towards automation for scalability and increased efficiency. At Hiperlogy, we provide marketing automation solutions to help brands achieve:
Improve marketing
Increase campaign
efficiency and ROI
Personalized customer
Higher Customer
Acquisition and retention
Better content
Types of
Automation Solutions
We offer
Using support activity tools for content management, we create inbound marketing automation as an end-to-end solution. This solution is typically used when marketing teams rely on content production to generate leads. One such example is an email drip campaign.
Ideally, when a new lead is generated from an existing campaign, an email drip campaign sends an auto-generated email to the lead, initiating an email marketing campaign.
To many businesses, lead generation is prioritised above all else. And a lead management automation solution will increase leads and conversion rates, identifying customers who are just about to purchase. We deploy tools that enable automation, creating a system to generate genuine leads for sales.
According to Smart Insights
“Companies focusing on lead nurturing, generate 50% more qualified leads.”
The definition of a quality lead will vary depending on the digital actions performed by the lead at a given time. This is understood better by recognising your potential customer and mapping predicted customer journeys.
For instance, if a qualified lead is defined to be “someone that visits the demo page twice or more”, lead marketing automation will allow you to set the relevant action trigger. In this scenario, the suggested trigger is an internal sales notification. And with this, perhaps an automated email to remind your lead about the recent visit to your website. While it’s important to reach out to every lead, prioritisation will help you convert more often. Our solution and modelling of this type of automation will be executed once a clear understanding of your potential customer in regards to their possible decision-making journey.
Increased e-commerce competition to an already price-sensitive digital citizen has, consequently, made price the deciding factor in the decision-making process. Our pricing automation strategy enables businesses to maintain the highest average price depending on the customers’ willingness to pay.
This is more relevant to e-commerce businesses and companies that prefer digital transactions. For instance, the biggest barrier to an e-commerce site is cart abandonment. A pricing automation tool would identify this event and trigger emails notifying a price drop of the abandoned product.
At the same time, if a product becomes popular, your pricing automation tool is equipped to increase prices as well.
If you do not believe that people purchase during a price hike, then consider this:
Interestingly enough, an experiment conducted by MIT and the University of Chicago, tested a standard women’s clothing item priced at $34, $39, and $44. And the results? The item sold best at $39, rather than the cheaper $34 price.
Most businesses find it more profitable to continue selling to their prevailing customers based on their existing information and behavioural insight. Advertising automation is enabled by integrating ad accounts into your existing CRM tools. If it fails to integrate, we use RPA technology to download the relevant audience and upload them as a custom audience to your ad account.
As an example, if the CRM of a fashion store identifies average time between several purchases and a certain style preference, the advertising automation tool can be utilised to create custom audiences and relevant content for increased success.
Ex: An average male purchases his shirts every 60 days. A pool of customers can be extracted from those who have purchased checked shirts and those who prefer casual wear.
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